I always love open source.

Back in 2014, I release my first open source project, which was a simple WebCraler written in Go. Since then, I have created several projects in Go, PHP, and Typescript (Angular).

I also had made contributions written code or doing code review in some big projects like Angular CLI, pREST, and ngx-translate.

In 2018 I release one of the most important projects for me.

History of Material Community Components

I was working in a new Email Builder for E-goi. At some point, we needed a color-picker but didn’t like the options available, so I propose that we create one and release the project.

We release the project in January 2018, under the name mat-color-picker.

In February, I sent an email to Stephen Fluin telling him about my idea of creating a project where we could build every component that the community wanted but did not exist in the roadmap of the Angular Team.

Today Material Community Components have more than 17k downloads every month and help thousands of developers and companies around the world.